Congratulations to the winning teachers for the 2022-2023 grant cycle. We are so proud of our teachers for going above and beyond and looking for ways to enhance the learning experience for their students. It is wonderful that they take the time to do this so the Frankfort Education Foundation can help expand educational opportunties for Frankfort Schools.
Cycle 1 Funding Total $11,470.15
Elizabeth Claxton - Suncrest, An Afternoon at the Museum
Georgia Everett - Science Olympiad Competition Readiness
Callie Evans, Sianna Sham, Georgia Everett - FHS, Counseling PD and Resources
Haley Jaworski/Pillion - Board Games for Science
Kelli Klyczek, Elizabeth Stewart, Cindy Hernandez, Claire Dunbar - Kindergarten Loves Science
Brandon Doub and Sara Cooper - Wolf Pack Rewards
Jeff Bracken - STEM Coordinator - Bridge of Sighs
Debbie Bracken-Technology Director, Josh Marshall--FMS asst principal, Suzanne Macowan-CSF lead nurse - Stop the Bleed
Marcie Herring, Jennifer Vickary, Rhonda Rudd, Ashley Gable- Suncrest, 4th Grade Hoosiers
David McCollough-leader Tom Potts-leader Rick Scholl-leader - High School Weight Room
Dan Miller, Media Specialist - Green Meadows - PackTime Podcast
Jennifer Gant, Crystal Dardini - FMS - Bring the News to Us
June Palmer (Athletic Secretary and Dog House Sponsor), Debbie Ewing (ECA Treasurer and Dog House Sponsor, and Angela Hale (Media Specialist/Testing Coordinator and Dog House Sponsor) - Bringing School Spirit Back to FHS
Hannah White - Improved Literacy in ELA Classrooms
Josh Marshall, Assistant Principal - FMS - PBIS Incentives
Cycle 2 Funding Total $4500
Maggie McKinney PBIS Incentives at Blue Ridge
Kelly Penley, Frankfort Middle School Counselor Kings Island Trip
Ashlyn Drake: First Grade Teacher Decodable Reading Books
Becky Kurth Battle of the Books
Richard Sallee (Leader) and Michael Taylor Video Production
Melissa Fresch--ESL Teacher at Suncrest Elementary A Different Story!
Jacob Hickey (Project Leader), John Brannan, Blake Surber, Corey Heindel, Amy Keitt, Jay Huser, and Sean Hoffman (7th grade team); 7th grade field trip to the Indianapolis Children's Museum 7th Grade Field Trip to the Children's Museum of Indianapolis
Amy Smith Literature studies : The Icing on the Cake